Come for the Trails - Stay for the Lifestyle

The Spruce Creek Acres Trails Association was chartered in 2003 as a Tennessee Not for Profit corporation and is governed by a board of directors elected by the membership. Elections are held at the annual members meeting held on Memorial Day weekend in May.

In the period from 2004 until the present, the trails association has spent over $80,000 working on the trails. All monies used were from membership dues, fundraisers and donations.

In addition to volunteering to work on our own trails, our members "give back to our outdoor community" by participating in several National Park Service trail workdays and special projects every year.  We are proud to support the BSFNRRA through the Adopt A Trail Program. Since 2012 we have adopted the Proctor Ridge Trail in the park.

To learn more about becoming a member Click HERE. We now accept PayPal .

We have a Welcome Packet available to new residents or those interested. If you would like one please contact a board member. The contact information is on the CONTACTS page.

SCTA Formation Letter 2003

SCTA Mission Statement 2003

SCTA Charter

SCTA Charter Amendments

SCTA Bylaws 2011

SCTA Bylaws Amendments since 2011

SCTA Bylaw Committee Reasearch Documents Chart

Why SCTA Trails are open to the Public

Trail Use Policy


Click HERE For the 2024 1st Quarter Membership Letter.

Click HERE For answers to 20 FAQ from the public forum meeting on April 19th.

Click HERE Concerning the new trail map.


Click HERE